Spiritual Warfare….not the WWE

Part 1

Eph 4:12

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Just recently the Holy Spirit released us from the church we were in. We had fellowship with many wonderful saints there and enjoyed their company. While it was not a Holy Spirit filled church we never questioned the salvation of the saints as we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt they belonged to Jesus. Saying that Nita and I found ourselves in the biggest protracted battle we have ever experienced. We found ourselves locked in spiritual hand to hand combat there for eight years. We learned many lessons during our time there and I want to share some with you. These lessons helped us grow in Christ and discover who we really were in Jesus Christ. Lets get started….

Babies in Jesus Christ don’t have a clue!

From the start we discovered many of the saints were still walking in the basics of the word. Now this is not uncommon in the American church today but when you experience first hand it takes on a life of its own. I truly believe in order for us to be grounded and anchored in the meat of the word we must have the elementary truths established in our spiritual root system first. Without it we are blinded to what is happening in the supernatural. We are ignorant to (s)atans deceptions and tactics. (2nd Cor 2:11) I strongly urge all my readers to be grounded in the elementary truths in order to establish yourselves in deeper principles  of God.

Hebrews 5:13

For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe.

You cannot function in the maturity of the call God has given you without maturity in the word. I could not teach the saints because of this lack of maturity and I had to feed the flock little bits and pieces at a time. Please understand I have not arrived yet myself and I know that. I have plenty of areas I need to grow up in myself.

You cannot choose bits and pieces of the word of God to believe in to fit in your boxed theology!

We ran into this time and time again. You must walk in the whole counsel of God not what fits your intellectual theology.

Acts 20:27

“For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.”

Paul is speaking to the elders of the church of Ephesus. He tells them that he has preached and taught the full gospel to them. This counsel gave the elders there purpose and direction in their overseeing of the flock. To ignore parts of the word invites (s)atan in to divide and conquer not only you but those around you as well.

It’s true! (s)atan has a kingdom and you cannot ignore it!

2nd Cor 10:4 – 5

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

As Nita and I settled into the church the Holy Spirit started allowing me to see the spiritual activity active on the grounds of the church. It was not pretty. First let me say what I am about to share is not pretty. It was ugly, vicious, and it is a real threat to this church and the community around it. Sadly I had to be careful not to speak of it inside the church as it would not be understood by the saints. One afternoon I was standing in the parking lot and the Holy Spirit had me look up above the sanctuary. As I looked up I saw a demonic presence sitting on top of the roof. As I watched it the Holy Spirit revealed to me that it was a principality established in that area for many years. It had many tentacles and each tentacle represented a device used by (s)atan to keep the people of the church and in the community in bondage. The bondages included free masonry, sickness (cancer was the big one), unbelief, witchcraft (Jezebel spirit),  infighting, gossip, slander, unforgiveness, hate, and a few more I will keep to myself.  I was in constant spiritual combat as I was teaching the word. I was not allowed to stand against the principality (and I had no intentions to) by the Holy Spirit. You see when a church is not in one accord and in agreement together and you throw in unbelief as well its best to keep your distance from these powerful entities. You allow the Holy Spirit to pick and choose your battles. Many times Nita and I would find ourselves submitting to Jesus in order to resist this principality because it would send demonic spirits into our home to harass us. It was not uncommon for me to wake up at 3am praying in tongues and rebuking the spirit in the name of Jesus who showed up in our bedroom to cause us harm. I always wondered why these things happened at 3am in the morning. This hour is known in covens and in other circles I will not address here as the witching hour. I am still on my guard even today.

I will share more next month but I want you to understand how important it is to mature in the word and be baptized in the Holy Spirit. To have a rich prayer life seeking and understanding the whole counsel of God. To walk in the Holy Spirit fully equipped for combat. Think about it….


Have a great September!

Jesus is Lord!







Missing it by a mile…

Romans 1:26, 27

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

It seems very popular to embrace the homosexual lifestyle within the church because its about “loving everybody accepting them for who they are.” Several who are in leadership within the church have decided its o.k. to marry one of the same sex as we are all Gods children.  Let me share with you some quotes from big name church leadership concerning gay marriage.

Brian Houston  of Hillsong Australia

“It’s very easy to reduce what you think about homosexuality to just a public statement, and that would keep a lot of people happy,” he said, “but we feel at this point, that it is an ongoing conversation, that the real issues in people’s lives are too important for us just to reduce it down to a yes or no answer in a media outlet. So we’re on the journey with it.”

While I respect Mr. Houston and would never question his salvation I do question his theology concerning homosexuality. There is no journey concerning gay marriage and there is no gray areas concerning gay marriage. Sin is sin and it does not matter how you package it it is still contrary to the word of Jesus Christ.

Carl Lentz pastor of Hillsong N.Y.C.

“Jesus was in the thick of an era where homosexuality, just like it is today, was widely prevalent. And I’m still waiting for someone show me the quote where Jesus addressed it on the record in front of people. You won’t find it because he never did,” he said.”

While Jesus did not express directly the sin of homosexuality Paul sure did. in Romans 1:26, 27, 31, 32, 1st Cor 6:9, 10, 1st Timothy 1:10. So then is Mr. Lentz picking and choosing the parts of the Bible he wants to believe according to his theology in a box? Did not Paul walk with Jesus in his ministry chosen directly by Jesus to write 3/4’s of the New Testament? Mr. Lentz you do walk on a slippery slope my friend.

Chuck Smith Jr, Pastor of  Capo Beach Calvary Church

“I’m still looking at it. On the one hand, I’m up against biblical passages [condemning homosexuality] that I need to investigate more thoroughly. On the other hand, I know many practicing homosexuals. I know two young men who’ve been monogamous partners for seven years. They’ve adopted a son who is thriving. They’re good dads, they’re good people, they have asked Jesus into their hearts and seek to live Christian lives.”

Taken from a interview with Religion News Blog.

I fail to see any issues concerning homosexuality here. What exactly is there to look into? Either we accept the whole word of God or we don’t. Eventually this kind of thinking leads to compromise and compromise leads to a apostate doctrine, a apostate church and  the saints being led into a false sense of right and wrong. The sad part about this is these men will answer to Jesus for their actions concerning His sheep and it won’t be pretty. Frankly I think its pretty clear cut what the word says concerning the homosexual lie. Now before you start throwing stones at me let me say this. I am all for embracing and ministering to those of the gay lifestyle. But this embrace must be saturated in biblical truth with a foundation of love as its base. There is a old adage that says “love the sinner but hate the sin.” While kind of cliché maybe there is truth in it. The gospel is powerful and breaks the chains of sin including homosexuality. The gospel is the word of Jesus which is capable of cutting out sin wherever it is. Frankly if you are in leadership and you have doubts concerning the authenticity of Gods word then you need to step down from leadership until you understand and accept the whole counsel of God and not just the bits and pieces you like. You are misleading the sheep and the shepherd Jesus Christ is more than capable of spanking His leadership when they need it. Take note Pastor Houston, Pastor Lentz, and Pastor Smith Jr.

Until next month….
