Laziness Within the Church…..

Mark 9:37, 38

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. “Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

In my 50 plus years in the church body I have seldom seen the organized church on fire to spread the gospel outside the four walls of the building they call the church. The ones I was in that had that Holy Spirit fire in their souls demolished the kingdom of (s)atan everywhere they went in power evangelism. The question is why do many churches lack the Holy Spirits fire to bring lost souls into the body of Jesus Christ? Why the lack of discipleship? Why the lack of signs and wonders? Why the lack of commitment to Jesus Christ?

-Spiritual laziness within the body!

What does that mean? The church has no corporate prayer life lacking the ability to resist (s)atan in the supernatural. The church does not have any desire to move in the Holy Spirit and further the kingdom of God. They like where they are at spiritually. They live inside the four walls of a building neglecting the vision, call, and purpose God has called them to. 

-The church does not like change!

Anything that is out of the ordinary within the church causing discomfort within the church is unacceptable. The church has certain ways things are done and any deviation from that norm is abnormal to them. Reaching out to the communities around them is very uncomfortable and thus out of the question for them.

-The leadership is not relationally balanced!

They have a mentality of “You and me and nobody else.” It is damaging to the body because the body follows the example of the leadership. The church turns inward with no desire for outreach. Anybody new that comes into the fellowship is eventually ran off for whatever reasons. It can even become cultish if it continues on this destructive path.

-The church has a form of godliness but no power within!

The church might have two or three outreaches a year with the majority taking place on the campus of the church. The very idea of leaving their comfort zone and going into the unknown produces anxiety and fear within the body. They want complete control of the situation taking it out of the Holy Spirits hands and placing it in their own hands. They use man made programs instead of seeking the will of the Father in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.

-The leadership believes that signs and wonders, the spiritual gifts, and the equipping ministries of the apostle and prophet have ceased to function in the present day!

I see this all the time in the church today. The leadership refuses to allow the Holy Spirit to lead the church in the image of Jesus Christ, His gifts, and His ministries. They pick and choose their theology based on their seminary training, their personal belief systems, what other leadership they follow espouses, ignoring the promptings of the Holy Spirit and His will for the church. The church body suffers defeat because the leadership leads in defeat always functioning in the natural instead of the supernatural. They place God in a theological box that fits their boundaries and they will not go beyond those boundaries. I have watched believers wither on the vine because the church leadership failed to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, signs and wonders, the spiritual gifts, and all of the equipping ministries established by Jesus in Eph 4:11, 12.

-Discipleship is dependent on the leadership and not recognized by the fellowship of the church as a part of their function.

The church itself has no interest in discipling others as they are of the opinion it is the leaderships responsibility and not their own. More than once I have seen the believers of the church refuse to obey the Holy Spirit with the idea that “we pay the leadership to disciple the new converts after all that is their job.”

-The idea of the church sending out workers to harvest the fields of white many times is neglected because they have replaced Jesus Christ with idol worship!

They become inward focused placing the leadership, programs, church buildings, money i.e. tithing, prestige in the community, anything that takes the churches focus off of Jesus Christ diverting it onto itself, the world system and (s)atan himself.

The saints have to wake up and smell the proverbial roses and stop the “business as usual” routine igniting the fire the Holy Spirit has for them. Either the church seeks the will of the Father, the name of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit or it lies down and becomes comatose never to be a effective instrument for God. If indeed that happens then the kingdom of (s)atan wins and the kingdom of God trampled underfoot.

Until next month!

Jesus is Lord!
